5 datasets found

Tags: Planning Policy Formats: SHP Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution Theme: Government

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  • Kildare Combined Land Use Zonings 231212

    This dataset contains the Land Use Zonings from the County Development Plan 23-29 along with the current Local Area Plans. They should be read in conjunction with the relevant...
  • Kildare Tree Preservation Orders 23-29

    This dataset can assist the Planning Authority in achieving the preservation and enhancement of the amenity value of trees in County Kildare, as identified in the Kildare County...
  • Kildare Combined CDP & LAP Boundaries 231212

    This data contains the current County Development Plan and Local Area Plans development boundaries. They should be read in conjunction with the Kildare County Development Plan...
  • Kildare CDP 23-29 Objectives

    This data contains the various objectives of the current Kildare County Development Plan. They should be read in conjunction with the Kildare County Development Plan 23-29 as...
  • Kildare-Record-of-Protected-Structures 23-29

    This is a record of protected structures which forms part of the County Development Plan 2023-2029. V2 231009
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